
Map 2: Cost of Living

Snapshot: This map displays the average cost of living in every U.S. state. 100.0 represents the average U.S. cost of living. States with a number value greater than 100.0 are more expensive to live in than the U.S. average, and states with a value of less than 100.0 are less expensive to live in than the U.S. average. See “RN Salaries Overview” for more information about the methodology.

  • On the map, dark green colors indicate the highest cost of living, and dark red colors indicate the lowest cost of living
  • The states with the highest cost of living can be found on the West Coast and in the Northeast.
  • The states with the lowest cost of living can be found in the South, the Midwest and in parts of the mountain West

The 5 states with the highest cost of living are:


Cost of living index

Hawaii 167.1
District of Columbia 144.8
Connecticut 132.7
Alaska 134.5
New York 130.4

The 5 states with the lowest cost of living are:


Cost of living index

Tennessee 90.6
Kentucky 91
Arkansas 91.5
Indiana 91.7
Kansas 91.9